Monday, October 31, 2011

Slums are a living hell for the so called ‘Slum Residents’. The people and animals living here hate it but they have no other choice s thats why they are forced to live in such horrible conditions. It is a living hell with no water. The water that they are forced to drink, is so dirty, that it is surage like water. government help is not known to the people that live in the slums because the government does not care about them. The people living here have to struggle to survive everyday because where they live, it is not a human sanitary condition.
The people in the residents have no clean water. The water they drink is not even healthy for animals! The people are forced to drink it with the thought that it is the only thing they will ever know. A lot of humans die each year due to dirty drinking water that enter their immune system. The water can really effect the human body, due to the fact that some places with no water filtering can have bacteria and can cause a disease in the body that lead to death.
The government system is usually in the Democratic or Republican system. Both parties are where the money is and this is why the government does not help people living in the slums. If the government helped people living in the slums and in poverty, there would not be any people living n the slums or in poverty. The government branch has so much money and for them not to help the poor and the needy does not seem right. Those with money and capacity to help should and make a difference.
The conditions that people and animals live in in the slums are not sanitary conditions. The water is sourage water like! The house they live in are really compacted and between 15-20 people live in a 15x15 home. Their house are made out of card board or cheap aluminum.
Slums are a living hell for the so called ‘Slum Residents’. It is a living hell with no water, government help, or human sanitary living conditions.
Slums are a living hell for the so called ‘Slum Residents’. The people and animals living here hate it but they have no other choice s thats why they are forced to live in such horrible conditions. It is a living hell with no water. The water that they are forced to drink, is so dirty, that it is surage like water. government help is not known to the people that live in the slums because the government does not care about them. The people living here have to struggle to survive everyday because where they live, it is not a human sanitary condition.

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